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Funding and Grants
1. "In Situ Scattering Study of Structural Dynamics and Capacity Fading Mechanism in NCM Cathode Materials"
Qi LIU (Principal Investigator)
Project type: RGC ECS
2. "Hong Kong's Participation at China Spallation Neutron Source"
Qi LIU (Co-Principal Investigator)
Project type: RGC CRF
3. "Fundamental Investigation of Phase Transformative Materials for Energy Application"
Qi LIU (Principal Investigator)
Project number: 9610399
4. "CityU Center on Neutron Scattering" (CCNS)
Project type: CityU's Applied Research Centre
5. "Capacity decay mechanism investigation for Key anode and cathode materials"
Qi LIU (Principal Investigator)
Project number: R-IND14701
Grant type: SZGov-SRI
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